What if i could give you the silver bullet that could rid your body of that unwanted fat for good Sounds to good to be true right Of course it does Although i can't promise you that i'll be able to banish your body fat to another universe I can promise you that if you follow these simple, yet effective 5 fast fat loss tips that you'll be able to get the fat off fast Keeping it off Well... That's your problem Tip #1... Drink More WaterWater can either help speed up your metabolism Or Not drinking enough of it can actually slow it down In addition, drinking plenty of calorie-free water makes you feel full longer Which will also help you to eat less I recommend my clients drink at least 2oz of water per 2lbs of bodyweight per day Tip #2... Consume Less Starchy CarbsI'm sure i don't have to spend much time on this tip because I'm sure you've heard it many times before But there is a reason why it's on this top 5 list Because incorporating it works Consuming too many starchy carbs like potatoes or rice or pasta And lets not forget about bread Provides your body with more energy then it needs And to keep it simple Whatever you don't use... you store And whatever is stored will be stored as fat No i'm not advocating a "no carb" diet but The less starch... the better off you are specially when your trying to burn fat I recommend no more then 3-5 servings of starchy carbs per week Tip #3... Cycle Your CarbsNow there's a very good explanation as to why carbs take up two spots on this top five list Because they truly are that big of a deal when it comes to fat loss And as you've heard me say many times I'm not a "zero carb" advocate But I am a big believer in carb cycling I you’re interested in trying carb cycling and would like more in-depth information click the link below To keep it simple carb cycling is a combination of high carb, low-carb and moderate carb days with a different mixture of each Through incorporating carb cycling into my clients diets I’ve been able to give them the ability to still be able to eat the food that they enjoy eating While helping them trim their unwanted body fat Tip #4... Full Body WorkoutsAll the years that i've been training and giving my clients full body workouts and i just realized I've never actually done one myself So i decided to give it a try I mean "if it's good enough for my clients it must be good for me right?" I would be lying if i said that i was amazed at how effective my first full body workout was because after all I had been recommending them to my clients for years But WOW! I've never sweat like that before in my life I actually don't think my heart rate has ever been that high during a weight training session before Now i know you're thinking "sweat", "heart rate"... what's that got to do with body fat An it actually has a lot to do with it Although sweat is essentially water and other waste products it's also a sign of intensity And a sign that you're in or around your "target heart rate zone" Now your target heart rate zone is considered to be the zone that is most optimal for fat burning For most people it's around 60-75% of your max heart rate And for most of us when your in your target zone for an extended period of time your probably sweating Unless your working out outdoors in the summer Then you probably don't need to do a lot to sweat But what if you just don't sweat much Which i have clients like this Then don't focus on the sweat Just focus on your heart rate And if you don't have a heart rate monitor you can always use the talk test What is the talk test you ask Well performing the talk test is simple If you can carry on a conversation with out being out of breath your probably doing fine Thumbs up If you can't because your gasping for air Then you probably need to slow it down Cause your most likely in the upper ends of your zone Where your body is either burning glycogen or muscle for energy And that my friends is not a good thing Then again if you feel like your "comfortably" carrying on that conversation then You probably need to step it up Need some ideas for your next full body workout?... check out this videoand last but definitely not least...#5... Eat More ProtienProtein has to be one of the most important nutrients for fat loss And here are 3 reasons why 1st... There is a hormone called "PTT" (peptide tyrosine tyrosine) that is elevated when we eat meals that have higher amounts of protien and this hormone is responsible for helping to reduce appetite and causing us for feel fuller longer 2... Protein actually has a higher thermic effect in our bodies. what that means is that it takes more energy for our bodies to process and breakdown protein down. a higher thermic effect also means a faster metabolism And 3...Protein helps to preserve muscle tissue during weight loss. remember, muscle burns fat for energy so muscle preservation is crucial to fat loss So there you have it My top 5 tips for fast fat lossI promise you that if you incorporate just 2 or 3 of these tips in to your daily routine You'll be at your goal in no time flat! Which tip will you be incorporating first Leave me a comment below with the tip that your most interested in trying And for even more great content make sure you check out my youtube channel below As always thank you for checking out my blog
Where there's a will... there's a way And i hope you have an awesomely great day! Till next time.