When you walk into your typical gym where do you see most of the guys You see them in the section with all the weights And where do you see most of the ladies You see them either on the cardio equipment or You see them in the zumba class As someone who's been training women for over 25 years I know how important It is for my female clients to start lift weights And I don't just mean a little weight I mean lift heavy As a woman Heavy lifting does your body a lot of good Not only will it help you stay strong but Is one of the only ways to increase your bone density And if you or someone close to you has ever had any bone or joint issues due to a lack of bone density you already Understand Yeah, taking supplements like calcium is a good idea but nothing replaces weight training When it comes to making your bones stronger So many of my female clients are so afraid of looking like a man if they lift heavy weights They don't wanna look big and bulky So they stay as far away from the weight room as they possibly can But I'm about to explain to you why you should love the weight room If you're looking to get toned, tight and sexy Testosterone is keyWhen it comes to building muscle And I mean lager amounts of muscle You need large amounts of two hormones and they are Testosterone and human growth hormone (hgh) The two are major when it comes to muscle building Now we all have these two hormones But the main difference is Women have far less of them And without that extra testosterone that man have women are physically incapable of building big muscles like men Science says is just not possible so It’s science, so stop worrying.. love pancakes? try my coconut flour pancake recipe ... click link belowWhat about those female bodybuildersSo when I ask my female clients "what does looking like a man mean" they'll often say things like "I don't want to much muscle" Or "I don't want to be too big and bulky" They'll go online and look at pictures of women that to them look like men Because in there eyes they are too muscular Most of the times these women that they refer to are perfect examples of Women that take some kind of performance enhancing supplement To reach that level of muscle To look like those women your are definitely on the juice Remember, women don't have enough of certain hormones to look like men So when you start messing with your biology by taking those supplements And increasing your levels of those hormones that men naturally have more of You will take on a more masculine appearance So moral of this part of the story is Stay away from the juice Lift heavy and Still keep your lady like appearance My muscles are starting to showThis is often another problem for a lot of my female clients They start working out hard There eating really good And after a few weeks of doing this consistently They look in the mirror and they start to see some definition in there body Initially they are happy but There muscles become more and more visible as the weeks and months pass Eventually they say I think I'm getting to muscular What they are noticing is a loss of body fat Mixed in with more lean and toned muscles So there muscles aren't getting bigger but They seem bigger because of the loss of body fat Making the muscle more visible But I have a question for you Which would you prefer To much fat on your body Or To much muscle tone I thought so Remember, fat uses muscle as an energy source So as you build muscle You will naturally start to burn fat That's just the way it is Lifting heavy will not change how feminine you lookSo by now you should understand the relationship that lifting heavy weights has With your feminine physique You may have even hit a plateau in the gym because of your fear of lifting weights But, you won't see a change unless you change something So get in that weight room Pick up those dumbbells And pump some iron It's like milk It will do your body a whole lot of good
so... you've just lost all this weight and your pretty proud out yourself (pat yourself on the back)! but your a little skeptical about keeping it off because let's face it it hasn't been easy in the past to keep the weight off i know... it might seem like gaining the weight back is inevitable but what if you didn't have to what if this time you could finally keep the weight off im gonna share with you 6 tips to take control of your diet now and keep the weight off #1.... time to pump some ironone of the ways to losing weight and keeping it off is to build up that lean muscle tissue. muscle tissue helps to speed up your metabolism and when it comes to the metabolism... the faster... the better an added bonus to increasing your lean tone muscle is that muscle uses fat as an energy source so the more muscle you have the less fat you'll have click to check out my new lean muscle building workout #2... get your fill of fiberso you take a dry sponge and you dunk it in a bowl of water what happens it expands that's similar to what fiber does in your stomach the result is you feel less hungry and that's always a good thing when your trying to keep those unwanted pounds at bay here are my top 2 high fiber foods Avocados (10.5 grams per cup)The fiber content of avocados varies depending on the type but regardless of the type you are in good fiber shape with this delicious fruit avocados have an added benefit to helping you keep the weight off they are packed with healthy fats fat works similar to the way fiber does in that it takes up more space in your stomach giving you that feeling of fullness for a longer period of time coconut (7 grams per cup)now a days it seems like every one is enjoying the benefit of coconut whether it be in the form of coconut flakes (i add them to my protein shakes) of coconut flour (this is a great replacement for regular flour) or the most used form of coconut... coconut oil (i love it as a moisturizer and it's also great for cooking) like avocado coconut is a great form of health fat check out my coconut flour pancake recipe... ummmm, yummie!) #3... add 30 minutes of exercise per workoutnow your probably wondering what adding in more exercise has to do with controlling your diet well, its actually pretty simple the more calories you burn the more you can afford to eat without gaining weight now it might sound like i am telling you that you can eat what ever you want as long as you exercise more but im not because you cant out train a bad diet what i am saying is that if you slip up on your diet every now and then which you will cause your human that its okay as long as you add in a little extra exercise #4... portion control is keyyou are bound to have better dietary control when you know exactly how much your consuming but how realistic is counting calories am i supposed to carry around a food scale every where i go if i said yes would you i didn't think so so the next best thing is to weigh and measure your foods whenever its convenient what will happen over time of doing it is that you'll get really good at being able to eye ball portion sizes and lets say your at your favorite restaurant you'll be able to know how much to eat and how much to take home #5... get on the scale, every dayyears ago i would have never recommended my clients do this cause i know how the scale can drive people crazy but there has been study after study that has proven that people that weigh themselves once a day are twice as successful at keeping the weight that they lose off now im sure this does not apply to every one especially when your working on losing the weight so maybe weight yourself once every few days until your at your goal weight and then implement the daily weigh-in to help you keep the weight off #6... eat breakfastnow im not sure if it's the most important meal of the day but
if you want to keep weight off and keep control of your diet it's up there in importance studies show that people who are regular breakfast eaters have an easier time keeping weight off then those who skipped breakfast more often the key to eating breakfast is to keep it health stay away from the donuts and coffee (telling you this while i sit in Dunkin Donuts writing this blog, but don't worry ... im practicing what i preach) and opt for the two egg omelette cooked in coconut oil with cheese and a half an avocado (and now im hungry) |